What are the Effects of THC Edibles, and How Much Edibles Should I Take?

Edibles 101

Effects of Edibles Cannabis edibles are growing in popularity. These Cannabis-based products are available in various consumables, including weed brownies, gummies, and tinctures. The active cannabinoids found in edibles produce the effects of edibles. The cannabinoids in edibles include CBD (cannabidiol), THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), or both. The Cannabis community loves edibles due to the discrete nature of [...]
3 years ago Ryan C

How To Make Weed Edibles: Baking With Cannabis

Edibles 101

Any pot lover knows that there are many ways to consume the plant. Cannabis edibles remain a long-standing fan favourite whether you enjoy a classic joint, modern vaporizer, or anything in between. Learning how to make edibles is an essential step in any cannabis journey! The edible family of products includes any active marijuana compound consumed by eating [...]
3 years ago Ryan C

How To Make Weed Brownies In A Jiffy

Edibles 101

Everyone from children to adults loves brownies. These classic desserts are full of rich, delicious chocolate goodness that’s perfect with a glass of milk, a scoop of ice cream, or a nice infusion of THC. Pot brownies or special brownies have been a favourite of the cannabis community for decades. It’s no wonder so many [...]
3 years ago Ryan C
How To Make Weed Brownies In A Jiffy

How Long Can You Store Cannabis Edibles?

Edibles 101

3 years ago Ankit
You should enjoy weed edibles when they’re new because these products have a short shelf-life. This is one of the worst aspects of choosing edibles over other forms of marijuana. Typically, an edible lasts as long as its traditional version. If you buy a batch of regular cookies and THC cookies on the same day, [...]

How Long Do Weed Edibles Last?

Edibles 101

3 years ago Ankit
The edible cannabis category includes any food or beverage product that contains THC or CBD. THC is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the psychoactive ingredient that makes marijuana usage feel so euphoric. CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is associated with many positive effects of cannabis, like its anti-inflammatory and calming qualities. Some edibles contain both active ingredients for [...]
How Long Do Weed Edibles Last

An Ultimate Guide For Choosing Weed Gummies

Edibles 101

3 years ago S Zulfiqar
There are different cannabis-infused products available in the market today. What one chooses to use is highly dependent on their preferences and likes. While e-juices and edibles are popular, gummies are also among the most common products among users. But how does one know that they choose the right weed gummies with so many advertised [...]
An Ultimate Guide For Choosing Weed Gummies

What are the Different Types Of Cannabis Edibles?

Edibles 101

4 years ago M Green
Since eating cannabis has become increasingly popular over recent years, let’s cover the types of edibles you can find at cannabis dispensaries.    You can find a wide variety of different weed edibles ranging from classic baked goods to modern choices like gummies.  Ask your favourite weed dispensary about their inventory to see the different types of edibles available in [...]
What are the Different Types Of Cannabis Edibles

What Are Edibles?

Edibles 101

4 years ago S Zulfiqar
Written and Fact Checked by: S. Zulfiqar What are edibles anyway? If you’re talking about marijuana, edibles describe any food or beverage product that contains cannabis. Most edibles contain either delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly known as THC or cannabidiol, also known as CBD. These are the two most common active ingredients of the cannabis plant. THC is [...]
What Are Edibles

So What Happens When You Eat Weed?

Edibles 101

4 years ago S Zulfiqar
Written and Fact Checked by: S. Zulfiqar Smoking, vaping, capsules, tinctures, and edibles are the most common methods for modern marijuana users to get high. It’s hard to determine precisely which method is most popular, but as weed legalization’s impacts keep rippling through Canada, people are looking for even more creative ways to consume pot. There [...]
So What Happens When You Eat Weed

How To Make THC Weed Butter

Edibles 101, Marijuana 101

4 years ago S Zulfiqar
Written and Fact Checked by: S. Zulfiqar You don’t need to be a master chef or a weed connoisseur to make your pot butter. It’s easy to learn how to make THC weed butter for all your weed edible needs. How to make cannabutter couldn’t be simpler. Anyone can learn to make pot butter with a [...]
How To Make THC Weed Butter

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